Safin Hasan The Youngest IPS of India

UPSC Books List – Suggested by Safin Hasan
1) History
- Old NCERT (std 6 to.12) for Modern India
- Yellow Book of Vajiram for Modern History (Highly Recommended)
- For Art and Culture part- NIOS (our cultural heritage )
- World History : NCERT std 9 n 10 by Arjun Dev
2) Geography
- NCERTs from standard 6 to 12.
- Mapping of all places in current affairs
- Mapping of rivers, mountains, platues, plains, vegetations, minerals and industries
- Lecture series on Youtube channel – Mrunal Patel (Highly recommended)
3) Ecology and Environment
- Handout published by Vision IAS
- Shankar IAS (Be selective)
- Current Affairs
- Internet
4) Indian Polity and Governance
- Constitution of India (M.Laxmikanth) [I personally don’t prefer it as it’s not useful for Mains)
- Yellow Books of Vajiram (Highly Recommended)
- Introduction to Indian Constitution (D.D.Basu) [Only if you are comfortable with the Language ]
- Current Affairs
- PIB website
- PRS website
5) International Relations
- Monthly Current Affair Magazine
6) Indian Economy
- Yellow book of Vajiram on Indian Economy (Highly Recommended)
- Gist of Economic Survey for prelims (By Vision IAS)
- Budget speech and Gist (Vision IAS)
- Lecture Series by Mrunal Patel (Highly recommended)
- website – arthpedia
– vikaspedia
7) Science and Tech
- NCERT (6 to 10) [only of you don’t have Science Background]
- Current Affairs
- YouTube for understanding concepts behind current affairs e.g. Nobel Prize
- Program on RSTV – Science Monitor (Hindi / English)
8) Ethics, Aptitude and Integrity
- Try understanding each topic written in syllabus from internet. Write down one general and one personal experience on that. And keep revising it.
- Try to associate current happenings with topics in syllabus.
9) Current Affairs
- Read one newspaper a day till Mains. (The Hindu / Indian Express)
- Monthly magazine (Vision IAS or Vajiram)
… Vision IAS is more useful for prelims whereas Vajiram is more subjective and hence very useful for Mains. You can read Vision before 1 month of prelims and that would suffice.
- Debates on RSTV and some expert lectures on various events on YouTube
10) Social Issues
- NCERT of 11 and 12 (Only on Indian Society)
- YouTube lectures on given topics by Mahapatra Sir (Cec UGC channel)
11) Security Issues
- Security Scan (A program by RSTV on YouTube)
- Current Affairs
✓ Revision is the key.
✓ Go through the questions asked in previous papers of Prelims and Mains before you start any topic.
✓ Try to minimize your efforts and maximize the outcome.
✓ There is nothing like one fixed source. It’s always about convenient source. Try to stick to it and revise it.
✓ Preparation should be holistic. There is nothing like separate Preparation for Prelims and separate for Mains.
✓ Best wishes.