Topper's Tips


Suggested books by Hard Shah – PRELIMS

  1. India-centric
    1. History

      1. Ancient India : Old NCERT – R.S.Sharma (Theoritical), 11th standard Tamilnadu state board (facts), New NCERT (facts)
      1. Medieval India : Old NCERT – Satish Chandra (Theoritical), 11th standard Tamilnadu state board (facts), New NCERT (facts)
      1. Modern : Spectrum – Rajiv Ahir (Cover2cover), Old NCERT – Bipan Chandra (Theoritical)

II.                Geography

  1. 6-12 NCERTs
    1. Rajtanil Madam’s Videos
    1. Atlas (Map Reading)

III.                  Polity

A. Laxmikanth (5th Edition)

IV.                Culture

A. Nitin Singhania

V.               Environment and Biodiversity

A. Shankar IAS or NIOS

VI.                Science and Technology

  1. Space : ISRO, Astrosat, NAVIC, Adithya L1….
    1. Defence : DRDO, Agni V, NETRA AEWAC, Rustom UAV ….
    1. IT : AI, Robotics, IoT, Machine learning ….
    1. Biotechnology : GM Mustard, 3 Parents Baby, CRIPER CAS9 …

VII.                  Current Affairs

  1. Indian Express + The Hindu
    1. Any one monthly magazine/compilation
    1.   India Year Book (facts), Govt schemes compilation by any coaching institute

2.      Gujarat-centric

A. History – Ishvar Padavi

B. Culture – ગુજરાત વિશ્વકોષ ટ્રસ્ટ પ્રકાશનમાંથી

C. સાહિત્ય – પ્રમુખ સાહિત્યકારો, કૃતિઓ, સંસ્થાઓ, સામયિકો

  • Socio-economic survey for facts on economy and govt schemes
  • Shahzad Kazi compilation of Gujarat for basic GK

3.      Current

  1. Indian Express + The Hindu
  2. Any one monthly magazine/compilation
  3. India year book (facts), Govt schemes compilation by any coaching institute


  1. Gujarati Language – Liberty/Akshar Publication
  • English Language – Liberty/Akshar Publication
  • Essay
  1. Focus on structure
  2. Cover all necessary dimensions i.e. social, historical, economical, environmental, IR, ethics etc
  3. Focus on flow
  4. Support arguments with facts / data
  5. Add quotes if suitable
  6. Essay should be interesting to read

4.      GS-1

  1. History
    1. R S Sharma for ancient
    1. Takshashila, Nalanda, Vallabhi – Internet

C. હર્ષવર્ધનના ગુજરાત સાથેના સંબંધો  – Internet/Ishvar Padavi

  • Satish Sharma for medival
  • Medieval history of Gujarat – special focus on solanki dynasty : Ishvar Padavi
  • Modern India – Bipan Chandra, pratik sir videos

G. ગુજરાતમાં ધાર્મિક સુધારા – Ishvar Padvi

H. મહાત્મા ગાંધીના વિચારો – હિંદ સ્વરાજમાંથી.

l. રાજકીય : સત્યાગ્રહ, સર્વોદય

II. સામાજિક : અસ્પૃશ્યતા નિવારણ

III. આર્થિક : ટ્રષ્ટીશીપ નો સિદ્ધાંત

IV. ધાર્મિક : હિંદુ – મુસ્લીમ એકતા

V. નૈતિક : આશ્રમની ૧૧ પ્રતિજ્ઞાઓ

  1. Sardar Patel – India After Independence by Bipan Chandra (Initial few chapers)
  • B R Ambedkar – Mahaar satyagrah, education, role in making of constitution

b.      Culture

  1. Indian Culture – Nitin Singhania
  2. Culture of Gujarat – ગુજરાત વિશ્વકોષ ટ્રસ્ટ પ્રકાશનમાંથી

iii.   ભવાઈ – ગુજરાતી સાહિત્યમાંથી

iv.   લોકસંસ્કૃતિ – જોરાવરસિંહ જાદવ (selective)

v.   મૌખિક પરંપરા – લોકગીતો, દુહાઓ (લોક સાહિત્યમાંથી)

vi.  દરિયાકાંઠાની સંસ્કૃતિ –નૃત્યો, ચિત્રકલા, સાહિત્ય…

vii.   ચલચિત્રો, રંગભૂમિ –ગુજરાતી સહિત્યમાંથી તથા general understanding

viii. નારી સાહિત્યકારો – ગુજરાતી સાહિત્યમાંથી


  1. Indian – NCERT : 11th and 12th + Rajtanil madam’s video
  2. Gujarat – Manjulaben Dave

5.      GS-2

  1. Constitution – Laxmikanth

b.      Public administration

  1. Laxmikanth
  2. 2nd ARC reports – Ethics, NGOs, cooperatives, RTI, e- governance, citizen centric administration

c.      Ethics

  1. G Subba Rao
  2. Lexicon of ethics
  3. Thinkers = their study will be helpful in ethics case study questions

6.      GS-3

  1. Sciennce and Techmology
  2. Tata macgrove hill book
  3. Mainly current affairs based

b.      Economy

  1. 11th NCERT – Indian Economic Development
  2. 12th NCERT – Macro-economic fundamentals (Selective)
  3. Mrunal sir (Videos)
  4. Current affairs

c.      Current Affairs

  1. IE+The Hindu
  2. Monthly modules/compilation
  3. Note making necessary