Suggested books by Hard Shah – PRELIMS
- India-centric
- Ancient India : Old NCERT – R.S.Sharma (Theoritical), 11th standard Tamilnadu state board (facts), New NCERT (facts)
- Medieval India : Old NCERT – Satish Chandra (Theoritical), 11th standard Tamilnadu state board (facts), New NCERT (facts)
- Modern : Spectrum – Rajiv Ahir (Cover2cover), Old NCERT – Bipan Chandra (Theoritical)
II. Geography
- 6-12 NCERTs
- Rajtanil Madam’s Videos
- Atlas (Map Reading)
III. Polity
A. Laxmikanth (5th Edition)
IV. Culture
A. Nitin Singhania
V. Environment and Biodiversity
A. Shankar IAS or NIOS
VI. Science and Technology
- Space : ISRO, Astrosat, NAVIC, Adithya L1….
- Defence : DRDO, Agni V, NETRA AEWAC, Rustom UAV ….
- IT : AI, Robotics, IoT, Machine learning ….
- Biotechnology : GM Mustard, 3 Parents Baby, CRIPER CAS9 …
VII. Current Affairs
- Indian Express + The Hindu
- Any one monthly magazine/compilation
- India Year Book (facts), Govt schemes compilation by any coaching institute
2. Gujarat-centric
A. History – Ishvar Padavi
B. Culture – ગુજરાત વિશ્વકોષ ટ્રસ્ટ પ્રકાશનમાંથી
C. સાહિત્ય – પ્રમુખ સાહિત્યકારો, કૃતિઓ, સંસ્થાઓ, સામયિકો
- Socio-economic survey for facts on economy and govt schemes
- Shahzad Kazi compilation of Gujarat for basic GK
3. Current
- Indian Express + The Hindu
- Any one monthly magazine/compilation
- India year book (facts), Govt schemes compilation by any coaching institute
- Gujarati Language – Liberty/Akshar Publication
- English Language – Liberty/Akshar Publication
- Essay
- Focus on structure
- Cover all necessary dimensions i.e. social, historical, economical, environmental, IR, ethics etc
- Focus on flow
- Support arguments with facts / data
- Add quotes if suitable
- Essay should be interesting to read
4. GS-1
- History
- R S Sharma for ancient
- Takshashila, Nalanda, Vallabhi – Internet
C. હર્ષવર્ધનના ગુજરાત સાથેના સંબંધો – Internet/Ishvar Padavi
- Satish Sharma for medival
- Medieval history of Gujarat – special focus on solanki dynasty : Ishvar Padavi
- Modern India – Bipan Chandra, pratik sir videos
G. ગુજરાતમાં ધાર્મિક સુધારા – Ishvar Padvi
H. મહાત્મા ગાંધીના વિચારો – હિંદ સ્વરાજમાંથી.
l. રાજકીય : સત્યાગ્રહ, સર્વોદય
II. સામાજિક : અસ્પૃશ્યતા નિવારણ
III. આર્થિક : ટ્રષ્ટીશીપ નો સિદ્ધાંત
IV. ધાર્મિક : હિંદુ – મુસ્લીમ એકતા
V. નૈતિક : આશ્રમની ૧૧ પ્રતિજ્ઞાઓ
- Sardar Patel – India After Independence by Bipan Chandra (Initial few chapers)
- B R Ambedkar – Mahaar satyagrah, education, role in making of constitution
b. Culture
- Indian Culture – Nitin Singhania
- Culture of Gujarat – ગુજરાત વિશ્વકોષ ટ્રસ્ટ પ્રકાશનમાંથી
iii. ભવાઈ – ગુજરાતી સાહિત્યમાંથી
iv. લોકસંસ્કૃતિ – જોરાવરસિંહ જાદવ (selective)
v. મૌખિક પરંપરા – લોકગીતો, દુહાઓ (લોક સાહિત્યમાંથી)
vi. દરિયાકાંઠાની સંસ્કૃતિ –નૃત્યો, ચિત્રકલા, સાહિત્ય…
vii. ચલચિત્રો, રંગભૂમિ –ગુજરાતી સહિત્યમાંથી તથા general understanding
viii. નારી સાહિત્યકારો – ગુજરાતી સાહિત્યમાંથી
- Indian – NCERT : 11th and 12th + Rajtanil madam’s video
- Gujarat – Manjulaben Dave
5. GS-2
- Constitution – Laxmikanth
b. Public administration
- Laxmikanth
- 2nd ARC reports – Ethics, NGOs, cooperatives, RTI, e- governance, citizen centric administration
c. Ethics
- G Subba Rao
- Lexicon of ethics
- Thinkers = their study will be helpful in ethics case study questions
6. GS-3
- Sciennce and Techmology
- Tata macgrove hill book
- Mainly current affairs based
b. Economy
- 11th NCERT – Indian Economic Development
- 12th NCERT – Macro-economic fundamentals (Selective)
- Mrunal sir (Videos)
- Current affairs
c. Current Affairs
- IE+The Hindu
- Monthly modules/compilation
- Note making necessary